Manual borehole driller, Edward Tembo

Manual borehole driller Edward Tembo from rural Zambia has drilled 25 successful boreholes for his customers in less than 2 years time.
With the profit, he sends his children to school, connected his house to electricity, bought cows, pigs. Sure he will continue to deliver affordable boreholes to his customers.
Edward Tembo was hardworking well digger with an idea to expand and escape poverty. He dream was to expand his business in manual drilling and installation of pumps. The video below shows Edward before he started to learn from expert Henk Holtslag.
Expert Henk Holtslag

SMARTech advisor Henk Holtslag is willing to train him in manual borehole drilling and installation of rope pumps.

Henk Holtslag

We stopped adding monitoring data after Januari 2019 for Edward Tembo but he is still using the skills he learned from Jacana and remains one of the most hard working manual drillers we ever trained.

Januari 2019

Together with Moses Ngoma, Edward drilled a borehole and installed a pump for Judith Phiri. She wants to expand her vegetable garden. The pump was produced by Gideon Phiri.

Farmer Judith Phiri

Pump for Judith Phiri

December 2018

Together with Moses Ngoma, Edward drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Iness Chulu’s farm. Gideon Phiri produced the pump.

Pump at Iness Chulu's farm

Pump at Iness Chulu’s farm

November 2018

Together with Moses Ngoma, Edward drilled a borehole and installed a pump at a private customer’s, Spacio Chisanga, place. Gideon Phiri produced the pump.

private customer

Spacio Chisanga, private customer

September 2018

Edward drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Delia Soko’s house. Gideon Phiri produced the pump.

Delia Soko

Pump for Delia Soko


July 2018

Edward deepened a well and installed a pump for Sofia Lungu. The pump was made by Gideon Phiri

Sofia Lungu pump

Pump for Sofia Lungu

May 2018

Edward drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Reuben Chulu’s house. Joseph Kabwe made the pump.

Pump at Reuben Chulu

Pump for Reuben Chulu

April 2018

Toghether with Michael Soko, Edward deepened a borehole at Theressa Mbazima’s house. The pump was made by Moses Banda.

pump on deepened well Theressa Mbazima

Pump on deepened well, Theressa

March 2018

Edward and Hillary installed the pump on an open well. Joseph produced the pump for Bridget Chilwa.

Pump at Bridget

Pump on open well at Bridget’s house

February 2018

Edward and helper Moses installed a pump at an open well of Beauty Nyambose of Gimoli area in Msekera.

What is the name of her mother?

Pump installed at Beauty’s Place

Edward Tembo, Moses BandaMichael Soko, drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Pickson Nyirenda’s house. Gideon Phiri produced the pump.

pickson Nyirenda

Pump at Pickson Nyirenda’s house

January 2018

Edward Tembo and his helper Moses installed a pump for the pre-school of Petronell Kuwenda. The pump was made by Moses Mawele.

Petronella's Pump and her father Joseph

Petronella’s Pump and her father Joseph

The team also made a ground water recharge system.

Edward Tembo making a ground water tube recharge system

Edward making a ground water recharge system

Ground water tube recharge system is working

Ground water tube recharge system is working

A few minutes later it started to rain and the system collected water for the first time. This water is added to the ground water and is stored there for use during dry season.  


December 2017

What did 2017 do for driller Edward Tembo?

What did 2017 do for driller Edward Tembo?


Edward Tembo, Michael Soko and Moses Banda drilled a borehole at beekeeper Chrispin Daka. The first attempt failed, but the team did not give up and the second attempt was successful. They even made a ground water recharge system next to the borehole. The pump was made by welder George Chulu.

Drilling at and with Crispin Daka

Drilling at and with Crispin Daka

Water recharche at Crispin Daka

Water recharche at Crispin Daka

Pump at Chrispin Daka

Pump at Chrispin Daka

October 2017

Edward Tembo, Micheal Soko and Hillary Phiri deepend a well and installed a pump at private customer Singi Munalula who fully paid (Self-supply) for the work and the pump (no sponsorship). Welder Gidoen Phiri made the pump.

Pump at Self-supply customer Singi Munalula

Pump at Self-supply customer Singi Munalula

  The team drilled a borehole at Mr Frank Sakala’s farm which is on a sandy soil formation. This took them about six days to drill and install a pump. Mr sakala had fully paid for the borehole and pump, now he has a borehole and has expressed gratitude to Jacana for the work done. (Self-supply)

The team drilling at Frank Sakala's farm

The team drilling at Frank Sakala’s farm


Pump installed at Frank Sakala's farm

Pump installed at Frank Sakala’s farm

Micheal and his team encountered problems when drilling at Mr Felix Zulu’s farm.The place was quiet rocky,such that they had to move about in three places within the same farm. In spite of all efforts to find water, Micheal and his team were not successful until they relocated to another plot belonging to Mr Felix Zulu. At this plot, Micheal and his team successfully drilled a borehole in less than a week, due to the fact that, the water level was shallow. Mr Felix Zulu is happy that he finally has a borehole with plenty of water.

Drilling at Zulu's farm 

Drilling at Zulu’s farm

Second place of drilling

Pump at Felix

Pump at Felix


September 2017

Edward and his team had the community of Lembani for James Mbewe on the show, they managed to drill a borehole in an area where the local authority had once tried with good machinery but failed.This improbable success surprised the community members in that area and added an advantage to the team, they gained recognition,respect and potential customers.

Drilling at James Mbewe


Pump Installed


August 2017

The team drilled a borehole at Uveren’Gapi Jere’s Garden, This is a dumbo area making it easy to find water.The pump is perfectly installed and in full operational.

Michael drilling at Uveren'Gapi

Edward drilling at Uveren’Gapi

Pump at Uveren'Gapi

Pump at Uveren’Gapi

  After drilling several boreholes at their premises,the team had gained enough experience to drill boreholes for customers.This time, they had an opportunity to drill at Mr Joshua Tembo, this drilling was a success and a pump has been installed which is producing plenty of water for Mr Joshua.

Drilling at Joshua Tembo

Drilling at Mr Joshua

Pump at Joshua Tembo's farm

Pump Installed

Edward and his team faced some problems as a group. Jacana proposed to have every week a weekly planning meeting. This is very helpful for the group. Also a bookkeeping system is introduced to Steven and his team. There is no longer confusion about money needed for materials, back up money and salaries. Everybody registers his hours worked and according to that they get paid. Steven showed himself as a great leader of the team.

Bookkeeping for multiple owner companies

Bookkeeping for multiple owner companies

July 2017

The team drilled a borehole at Simbani Chibwe, which had very hard soil formation and took them a long time. But they succeeded and now the village has a second water point.

Drilling and Pump at Simbani

Drilling and Pump at Simbani

June 2017

Manual drilling is not always easy. In Mvula farm the team drilled a borehole without finding water. Jacana SMART centre did not apprrove this (water)point. But the team build the approne anyway paying for the costs them selves. The borehole will be tested again after raining season and a ground water recharge system will be installed at that place to infiltrate the rain water as much as possible. These sadbacks separate the boys from the men ; )

Drilling and dry Pump at Mvula

Drilling and dry Pump at Mvula

 May  2017

Edward drilled 4 boreholes and installed rope pumps this month together with his colleagues. One of them was at his own house.

Drilling and Pump Edward

Drilling and Pump Edward

Drilling and Pump Micheal

Drilling and Pump Micheal

Drilling and Pump Hastings

Drilling and Pump Hastings

Drilling and Pump Hillary

Drilling and Pump Hillary


April  2017

Edward was part of the team that was drilling at Steven’s place. They made a borehole up to 23 meters.

Drilling at Stevens

Drilling at Steven’s house

Drilling and Pump Steven

Drilling and Pump Steven

March  2017

Edward participated in the 3 weeks Jacana’s technical training, his input was amazing. He displayed unwavering passion for his job and has acquired adequate drilling skills in the following technologies:

  • Auguring
  • Soil punching
  • Mzuzu drilling with chisel, open and closed bailers
  • Drilling using Jetting
  • Drilling by Sledging
  • Bapthist drilling (percussion)
  • Corbel, open well covering

    Edward’s first try in jetting



Edward Tembo has been a well digger and mason from Luangeni village in chief Mpezeni area.He is maried and has four children. He made many open wells, toilets and soak away pits in his village. At the moment his passion is into “well digging” though at times he is contracted to build structures such as houses by the local community. Edward is trained by Jacana in manual drilling and pump installation. He is expanding his business at this moment.

Edward Tembo


Jacana will support Edward in:

  • Providing technical Training in manual drilling and pump installation.
  • Provision of initial tools and materials for few pumps.
  • Guidance in book keeping and financial management.
A borehole and pump was donated by Hofstee Stichting.

This is part of a bigger project sponsored by Aqua for All.





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