Farmer, Pickson Nyirenda needs water in dry season
Pickson Nyirenda is a hardworking and visionary farmer. He is looking forward to increasing production and his market catchment. He wants to expand into vegetable garden and has a small piggery. He has now a reliable water source and he is able to expand in pigggery and vegetable growing. He is very happy that Jacana supported him with access to water.
Mr. Pickson Nyirenda is a father of 6 children. He owns a farm in Kauzu area near Msekera turn off. He grows field crops such as Maize, soya beans and groundnuts; he also has a rapid growing piggery. This time he wants to concentrate largely on vegetable production and piggery farming. The pump provided plays a crucial role to this expansion.
His desire to expand the vegetable production and pig farming motivated him to attend the Jacana business, finance and marketing training. This training enabled him to enhance his business skills and realize he potentiality of his vision.
Monitoring Data
February 2018
Pickson has now a pump on a manual drilled borehole. The work was done by Michael Soko, Moses Banda and Edward Tembo. Gideon Phiri produced the pump.
The pump on a manual drilled borehole is donated by:
This is part of a bigger project, donated by Aqua for All.
Jacana supported Mr. Pickson with partly sponsored borehole with pump and guidance:
- He can expand his business
- He has access to clean water for household use