Farmer, Beauty Nyambozi
Farmer Beauty works extremely hard to manage the family of 6 children and feed cows, pigs, chickens and grow crops on her land. An affordable locally made pump helps Mrs. Beauty to expand the pig braiding business. She can now rear more pigs, sell more pork and provide a more stable life for her children.
The video below was taken at the beginning of Jacana’s work.
Although Mrs. Beauty might not seem so tall, she is a big manager keeping all animals healthy, growing crops on the land and running a big household. How does she do it?
During the Jacana Business training Mrs. Beauty showed that she has good ideas and is smart enough to expand her business. When we visited her at her house we were astonished by the work she is doing. How can Africa women manage a big family, lots of animals and still find time to work on the land and attend our classes?
We believe in Mrs. Beauty and therefore Jacana SMART Centre decided to help her by providing a partly sponsored pump. we are sure it is money well spend.
Feb 2018
Driller Edward installed a pump on an open well for Beauty and her beautiful daughter.
Now feeding the cows, pigs and chicken will take much less time and there is more time for the family.
So she can:
- expand her chicken, catle and pig business,
- get access to cleaner water for the household.
This is part of a bigger project, donated by Aqua for All.