Well digger, Steven Zulu
Steven Zulu is going a mile in escaping poverty. Now he is to expanding his well digging business with manual drilling of boreholes. He is very happy that Jacana trained him in manual drilling and guides him in the expansion of his business.
On the first of April we got the sad news that Steven completely unexpected died. All welders, drillers and Jacana staff were very shocked hearing the sad news. Steven was a key person in his village and also very liked among the group of welders and drillers. Steven leaves a wife and three children behind. Jacana will help the wife, Lydia, in establish a sustainable business, so that she can take care of the children and herself.
March 2017
Steven Zulu is an well digger who lives in Chipata Eastern province of Zambia. He has been serving his community with digging wells an providing water to the community. Next to his job as well digger he is a barber and is about to open a new shop. He is married with 5 children.
March 2018
Hastings and Steven drilled a private borehole for a customer in Mfuwe. The pump was produced by George Chulu.

Private pump in Mfuwe
February 2018
Steven and Hastings got a private customer from Katete which is about 86 kilometers from Chipata. They went for almost two weeks and where able to put a smile on the face of Mr Moses Zulu their customer with a borehole.
Hastings and Steven drilled a borehole at Abraham Zulu’s house. George Chulu produced the pump.
January 2018
Steven Zulu and Hastings Mbewe made a new borehole on top of the hill near to the house and far from the toilet from farmer Stephen Tembo. Mrs. Tembo has difficulties walking and is very happy with this new water source. Also the neighbours use the water. Since the pump is on top of the hill, is easy to irrigate his garden which is downhill. The pump was made by George Chulu. Good work men!
December 2017
Steven Zulu and Hastings Mbewe had to work during the night to complete the pump installation at beekeeper Bandson Tembo. Reason for that was that one of the pipes had a slightly different dimension and had to be changed in town. But in the end everybody was happy and there was a lot of clean water. George Chulu made the pump.
November 2017
Steven Zulu and Hastings Mbewe installed a pump at farmer Elina Zulu (no family of Steven). They also made a ground water recharge system for her. It will catch a lot of water this raining season. The pump was made by Moses Banda.
September 2017
Steven and Hastings successfully drilled a borehole at Kelvin Magawa‘s garden.The borehole has enough water for the garden, nearby villages and the farmers next to Kelvin. This borehole never dries up and has continued to give plenty of water for his garden.
August 2017
Steven and his team faced some problems as a group. Jacana proposed to have every week a weekly planning meeting. This is very helpful for the group. Also a bookkeeping system is introduced to Steven and his team. There is no longer confusion about money needed for materials, back up money and salaries. Everybody registers his hours worked and according to that they get paid. Steven showed himself as a great leader of the team.
The well of Thomas Phiri was deepened by Steven and Hastings. In this well they could not use the Mzuzu drilling method because the soil structure at the bottom of the well was very rocky. Steven and Hastings had to climb inside with a hammer and chisel to deepen it.
After that they installed the pump. The clean water was very welcomed by Thomas his wife and the neighbors.
July 2017
The team drilled a borehole at Simbani Chibwe, which had very hard soil formation and took them a long time. But they succeeded and now the village has a second water point.
June 2017
Manual drilling is not always easy. In Mvula farm the team drilled a borehole without finding water. Jacana SMART centre did not apprrove this (water)point. But the team build the approne anyway paying for the costs them selves. The borehole will be tested again after raining season and a ground water recharge system will be installed at that place to infiltrate the rain water as much as possible.
These sadbacks separate the boys from the men ; )
May 2017
Steven drilled 4 boreholes and installed rope pumps this month together with his colleagues.
April 2017
Four drillers who were trained by Jacana in March drilled manually a borehole at Stephen’s place. Many people from the neighborhood came and saw that it is possible to drill in one week time manually up to 23 meters. Steven can show his customers the SMART pump.

Drilling at Steven’s place
March 2017
Throughout the three weeks of technical training conducted by Jacana, Steven’s performance was admirable and he acquired technical drilling skills in the following technologies:
- Auguring
- Soil punching
- Mzuzu drilling with chisel, open and closed bailers
- Drilling using Jetting
- Drilling by Sledging
- Bapthist drilling (percussion)
- Corbel, open well covering
A borehole and pump was donated by Hofstee Stichting.
This is part of a bigger project sponsored by Aqua for All. .
Manual drilling service provider, business plan
Click here to learn how to read a Lean Canvas Business model.
Jacana will support Steven Zulu in:
- Providing technical Training in manual drilling and pump installation.
- Provision of initial tools and materials for few pumps.
- Guidance in book keeping and financial management.