Jacana trains small African Entrepreneurs

in business, financial and marketing skills.  

Jacana guides talented SMEs

with growing businesses and creates more jobs.

Jacana creates Role models

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana provides free training materials

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Our work is based on Strength

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana trains Pump production

using local materials.

Supporting small-scale entrepreneurs

to make their expansion dreams reality


Construction of Jacana Business Centre

Construction of Jacana Business Centre

After a year of hard work, Jacana Business Center is finally ready. With a team of 33 people, we worked on it for a year. Of course we had setbacks, but overall everything was achieved within the set goals. How it all started In 2016 Jacana moved from central Zambia...

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A new solar driven pump era has started

A new solar driven pump era has started

1. How much water do you need per day? and 2. What is the pressure your pump must deliver?   Each pump sales person should ask these questions. In most cases, your first estimated answer will be way off. As a result, the pump you are buying is too expensive. 1....

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