Jacana trains small African Entrepreneurs

in business, financial and marketing skills.  

Jacana guides talented SMEs

with growing businesses and creates more jobs.

Jacana creates Role models

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana provides free training materials

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Our work is based on Strength

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana trains Pump production

using local materials.

Supporting small-scale entrepreneurs

to make their expansion dreams reality


Borehole siting training (registration is close)

Borehole siting training (registration is close)

It is a known fact that access to water plays a key role in development. Good located boreholes create access to ground water, reduce poverty and increase health. Drilling boreholes is a costly and risky business. High quality borehole siting can reduce that risk...

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Make your own compost

Make your own compost

There are several ways to make organic fertilizer, each with their pros and cons. Jacana has developed a training course in which different ways of making compost are taught. All ingredients are available in Zambia. On March 28, the first training was held for farmers...

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