Jacana trains small African Entrepreneurs

in business, financial and marketing skills.  

Jacana guides talented SMEs

with growing businesses and creates more jobs.

Jacana creates Role models

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana provides free training materials

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Our work is based on Strength

Entrepreneurs are visible and escape poverty on their own.  

Jacana trains Pump production

using local materials.

Supporting small-scale entrepreneurs

to make their expansion dreams reality


Dutch water sector about Jacana SMART Centre

Dutch water sector about Jacana SMART Centre

As one of the COVID-19 responses the Jacana SMART Centre in Zambia took the initiative to provide water to Health Centres in Eastern Zambia. This initiative was supported by Wilde Ganzen and several other donors. The Dutch Water sector wrote an news article about this...

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2020-2021 Event.

2020-2021 Event.

2020 was a challenging year for all of us. Covid-19 has turned the whole world upside down. Fortunately, in Zambia, we have been less affected than expected. Why, is still a great mystery, but we hope that it will remain this way. This does not alter the fact that...

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