Did you know that
• 89% of all employed Zambians are in informal employment. Meaning they are in jobs or self employed without any kind of registration (like: Chamber of Commerce, Tax, Workers insurance or Pension scheme). In other words they depend on or work for small entrepreneurs. In rural areas, the informal employment rate is 96% (zamstats.gov.zm).
• more than 5 million people (35%) in Zambia do not have access to an improved water source (rural areas 49%) and more than 6 million people (41%) have no access to improved sanitation (rural areas 56%) (JMP 2015).
• not a drop of rain falls on Zambia soil for half of the year and that it is impossible to farm any crops or vegetables during the dry season if you don't have access to water.
• El Niño also affects parts of Zambia.
• that small scale farmers can earn more money when they can grow vegetables outside the rainy season, with other words when they have access to water throughout the year.