Jacana Business Empowerment News

June 2015

Hi subscriber subscriber,

Already more than half of the startup costs is covered thanks to our donors of the first hour. 

Auction for charity

Gerda Dapper worked for many years in developing countries and donates now four of her most beautiful paintings to Jacana.
André Janssen donates photos he made in Zambia and Marion Bakker who worked in Africa donates also a photo. All photos are delivered in a beautiful modern design IXXI wall decoration system.

If you like one or more items, please send us an email with your bid. The raised money will be fully used for the activities of the Jacana charity.

Bidding can be done by: replying to this email or by clicking the [BID] button. Mention the name of the item and the amount that you are willing to pay. Should someone bid higher, then we will inform you.

Deadline: we will evaluate all bids on Monday, June 7th and the item will go to the highest bidder.



70x70 cm acrylic on canvas.

This is a woman from West Africa, who lives in the Netherlands. For this painting she was a model for 3 hours. During modeling she tries to wear as much as possible African dresses. When she goes home, she changes to jeans again. She regularly travels to her country in Africa and is a lot more cheerful when she returns. She needs the smell and feel the warmth of Africa from time to time.



40x35 cm acrylic on canvas.

Two very curious children from the village Kasungu (Malawi) came to see me painting. I sketched them. Sitting for a long time was still too difficult for them, so I took a picture and painted it at home. Later I showed them the painting and gave them a copy.


Kasungu mother with child in afternoon sun

40x35 cm acrylic on canvas.

This mother wanted to be painted with her child. Since the late afternoon sun was so beautifully I took a few pictures and painted it from a photo. It had to look alike, of course, otherwise she would not like it. She was very happy with the color copy of the painting and put it immediately on the cabinet in her house. She lives in a small village in Kasungu.


Kasungu mother with baby in sling

40x35 cm acrylic on canvas.

I met this woman a few times at the rectory of Kasungu while she was sorting peanuts. It was there crowded with women and children. I made several sketches and photos of them.
I painted it later at home and gave the woman a laminated color copy. She loved it and laughed because of her stubborn baby on her back.


Young woman Bisa tribe

60x40 cm photo by André Janssen South Luangwa, Zambia.

The valley of the Luangwa is for a large part National Park. There are only a few villages who are populated by friendly people supporting themselves by cultivation of cassava and fishing. Taking a moment to make contact provides many opportunities to take photographs.


Market tradeswoman

60x40 cm photo by André Janssen Petauke Zambia.

The market is the domain of the women. In Petauke negotiation about the price is no option. The mayor lived in the Netherlands and was impressed with the price tags. He introduced the Dutch system in the village.


Oil salesman

60x40 cm photo by André Janssen market Petauke Zambia.

Bottles that we would throw away carelessly are a precious possession in Africa. As for this seller of vegetable oil.



60x40 cm photo by André Janssen Mfuwe, Zambia.

The Singer sewing machine is what Ford is among cars. The tailor was very proud when I complimented him on the brand 'Singer' and I told him that we had it in former times at home.


Bags shop

60x40 cm photo of Marion Bakker Tamale, Ghana.

Colorful plastic bags are sold in a shop like this on the market in Tamale.



60x40 cm photo Tamale, Ghana.

The butcher in Tamale offers its day-fresh-meat.


Flight is booked

The next newsletter will come from Zambia because Dinie and Rik will fly to Zambia on June 22 and work there indefinitely.

You can find mor unique paintings and photographs at:

• Paintings by Gerda Dapper: http://gerdadapper.weebly.com

• Photos by André Janssenwww.facebook.com/andre.janssen

• And photos by Jacana on social media: