The drillers received a three weeks training in borehole drilling methods (Mzuzu en SHIPO drilling) facilitated by our own Zambiaanse trainers Moses Banda and Hastings Mbewe who were supervised by the experienced trainer Laban Kaduma from Tanzania. Next to drilling the participants also learned pump installation and how to build ground water recharge and rainwater harvesting systems.
After the daily hour of theory where the Zambian teachers explained about geology, site selection, water quality and drilling and installation techniques, the participants spent the rest of the day practicing by doing. Also manager Bester was not afraid of the muddy and hard work. There is a hand dug well close to our Lundazi office, where training was executed. Water in this well is less than 2 meters deep. However when the trained teams drilled their first boreholes, instead of water the they found extreme hard quarts stone up to 5 meters deep. Our standard drilling equipment was put to the test and failed to break the rock. Thanks to creative ideas from the newly trained welders, the quarts layer could be broken and as a reward ground water came up under pressure to 3 meters. If you want to know more about the improvement of the equipment, request our free manuals at