
June, 2017

Hello subscriber subscriber, 

Follow up meeting for Entrepreneurs for Water

On 16th June, Jacana called a follow up meeting for the welders and drillers who received the technical training in March. During this meeting entrepreneurs had the opportunity to highlight challenges and discuss possible solutions to the challenges. The meeting revealed great insights, experiences and lessons were learnt.

Jacana highlighted the importance of formal registration as a company with local authorities such as PACRA (business registration), ZRA (tax), NAPSA (pension) and Workers Compensation.

Followup meeting welders

Welders discussing and sharing their experiences.

Drillers discussing and sharing their experiences.


Follow progress of the drillers live

SMART Centre Jacana is monitoring all new boreholes and pumps. Most pumps are partly sponsored but already now, 4 months after training, Self-supply started. Two boreholes with pumps are privately bought.

Have a look at https://jacana.help/mwater and witness the progress. Each week you will find new pumps. 

Powered by mWater.


SMART Centre Group at WEDC conference

Talk to SMART Centre representatives about all water related issues at the exhibition stand during Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) conference: 24-28 July 2017, Loughborough University, UK.

There is a side event on Tuesday 25th of July at 17:15 hours called ‘Where there are no services – helping household supply themselves in water and sanitation’ being led by WaterAid with SKAT and there is a set of papers on Self-supply.


June Business Training

Jacana closed this year’s second quarter with her usual 3 day entrepreneurship training.This time Jacana trained a mix of experienced and start-up entrepreneurs, this combination created an atmosphere of skill transfer and knowledge sharing for both parties.


Expert for Catherine found 

Catherine’s business has been performing quiet impressive. She has been sewing clothes for the staff of a local TV station. This imposing growth has attracted attention and so it is time to expand in the area of marketing. Recently, Jacana launched a search for a volunteer designer who wants to help Catherine with branding her business, like designing a logo, signboard and business card. Lorenzo Rietveld from the Netherlands (video assist at Bijker Film & TV) wants to help Catherine with branding her company. Thanks to Lorenzo.

Rene van Dongen

Change in Board Jacana Netherlands

The Dutch board welcomes Rene van Dongen as new board member. 

Rik Haanen stepped down as chairperson of Jacana NL and Laura Kurth follows him up as the new chairperson. Rik wil be the secretary of the board. 

We wish ReneLaura and Rik good luck in their new functions.


Oh, and visit also our social media and keep up to date.