Pump producer, Gideon Phiri
Gideon is working hard to take care of his family and survive the economical challenges as an entrepreneur. He is an inspiration to many in Chipata. Now he is expanding his welding business by making water pumps, more specific rope pumps and sells them to his community. Gidoen also does pump installation on open wells and improved water quality for his community. Gideon provides 2 months warranty, after that he repairs pump for very reasonable cost as pump mending service.
Gideon provided water to 2035 people in 2018 alone. He made and sold 37 pumps providing water to 2035 people in his 2nd year after learning how to make rope pumps from local materials. More important: he will continue to do so because everybody benefits. Gideon makes a small profit; his customers get water for the household, the garden and their business as well.
Also interesting is that 95% of Gideon’s customers share their water with 10 neighbouring families for free.
January 2019 last moth of guidance by Jacana
We, Jacana, are convinced that Gideon will continue to deliver good quality work to his customers and therefore his business will continue to grow. That is why we will stop guiding him and which him all the best in the future. It was great working with you Gideon!
Moses Banda drilled a borehole for a private customer and installed a pump. The pump was produced by Gideon.

Pump for Mr. Tembo
Moses Ngoma and Edward Tembo drilled a borehole and installed a pump for Judith Phiri. She wants to expand her vegetable garden. The pump was produced by Gideon.

Pump for Judith Phiri
December 2018
Alliford Phiri installed a pump on a hand dug well at Charles Lungu’s place. The pump was produced by Gideon.

Pump for Charles Lungu
Gideon installed a pump on an open well of Mr. Mwanza, private customer. Gideon also produced the pump.
Together with Erasmus, Obuloni and Francisco, Andrew drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Joseph Ngoma’s place. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump at Joseph Ngoma’s place
November 2018
Together with Erasmus, Francisco and Andrew, Obuloni drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Madiliso Lungu’s place. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump at Madiliso Lungu’s place.
Gideon installed a pump on an open well for Mrs. Banda Mulonga, a private customer. He also produced the pump.

Pump for Mrs. Mulonga
Moses and Hastings drilled three boreholes in Southern Province, at Rangoon Island in Kafue river. They had to transport all the materials by a small boot to the Island. The pumps produced by Gideon and Joseph Kabwe.

Pump on Rangoon Island

Drilling set transport per canoe

Private borehole with pump in Rangoon Island

Pump at Ragoon Island
Hillary and Osward drilled a borehole for a private customer Mr. Kasama. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump for Mr. Kasama
Together with Moses Ngoma, Edward Tembo drilled a borehole and installed a pump at a private customer’s, Spacio Chisanga, place. Gideon produced the pump.

Spacio Chisanga, private customer
October 2018
Hastings drilled a borehole at Evans and Raban Banda’s place. The pump was produced by Gideon

Pump at Evans and Raban’s place
Gideon installed a pump on a machine drilled borehole from Mrs. Mvula Dube, a private customer. He also produced the pump.
Aliford Phiri drilled a borehole for Henry Zulu and Gideon produced the pump.

Pump for Henry Zulu and his family
September 2018
Hillary put a pump on an open well for Joyse Mtonga. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump for farmer Joyce Mtonga
Edward Tembo drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Delia Soko’s house. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump for Delia Soko
Aliford Phiri, Patrick and Moses Ngoma drilled a borehole at Dasjano Mwale’s house. The pump was produced by Gideon.

pump for mr Mwale
August 2018
Moses drilled a borehole for a private customer, Mr. Sakala. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump of Mr. Sakala
Osward drilled a borehole for Clement Soko and Gideon produced the pump.

Pump for Clement Soko
Michael Soko drilled a borehole and installed a rope pump for Marksensio Phiri. The pump was produced by Gideon Phiri.

Pump on borehole at Marksensio Phiri’s farm
July/Augustus 2018
Together with Moses Ngoma, Edward Tembo drilled a borehole and installed a pump at Iness Chulu’s farm. Gideon produced the pump.

Pump at Iness Chulu’s farm
July 2018
Gideon produced the pump for a customer in Mfuwe. Hastings Mbewe drilled the borehole and installed the pump. The pump is used for rearing chicken.

Pump for chicken rearing
Gideon produced and installed a pump on an open well for a private customer, the headman from Begere village.

Private pump for headman Mbegere village
Edward deepened a well and installed a pump for Sofia Lungu. The pump was made by Gideon.

Pump for Sofia Lungu
Gideon produced the pump for driller Erasmus Zulu. Erasmus, Obuloni, Andrew and Francisco have drilled the borehole at the house of Erasmus. The pump serves 15 families and is meant for marketing purposes for driller Erasmus

Pump at Erasmus Zulu’s house
May 2018
Gideon had installed a pump on an open well for a private customer Mr. Mkakwa.

Mr. Mkwakwa enjoying the water for his vegetable garden
Michael Soko installed a pump on a manually drilled borehole at Mary Phiri’s farm and he constructed a water tank for irrigation purposes. The pump was produced by Gideon Phiri.

Pump Mary Phiri
March 2018
In March Gideon produces two pumps for two private customers from Lundazi. The boreholes were drilled by Moses Banda and Michael Soko.

Private customer Lundazi

Village pump in Lundazi District
February 2018
Gideon produced a pump for Pickson Nyirenda.

Pump at Pickson Nyirenda’s house
Gideon got a private customer and manged to install a pump at Beater Phiri along great east Road. Really Self-supply is working.
Another pump installed at Aseli in Misholo by Osward and his drilling team, was made by Gideon Phiri.
January 2018
Gideon Made the pump installed at Beauty Nyambose’s Farm.
Gideon Phiri found the first customer outside Chipata district. He made the pump and did the customer relations. Michael Soko and Moses Banda drilled the borehole in a small town called Lundazi two hours drive from Chipata. The customer Mulabizi Nyimbili is a headteacher and gave the borehole as a Christmas present to his parents. The customer paid for the entire operation, there was no sponsorship involved and the family is happy with the water which is a challenge is Lundazi.
December 2017
Gideon Phiri made the pump for farmer Loki Lungu. Osward Mwanza drilled a new borehole, installed a pump and made a ground water recharge system for the old dry well.
October 2017
Gideon sold and installed a pump at Mr Peter Mwansa who paid fully for the pump (self-supply).
Gideon made the pump for private customer Singi Munalula who fully paid (Self-supply) for the work and the pump (no sponsorship). Micheal Soko, Edward Tembo and Hillary Phiri deepened a well and installed it.
Gideon made a pump for Chief Misholo.
July 2017
Gideon completed five pumps for stock and display.
Immediately after the stock was ready, Gideon sold two of them to customers who did not need sponsorship. He is making two new pumps to replenish his stock.
Gideon made a pump for Rabson Chibwe.
June 2017
A demonstration pump was installed at Gideon’s workshop just next to the main road. This pump is only for demonstration and it attracks lots of potential customers.
Gideon made a pump for driller Hastings Mbewe.
May 2017
Gidoen made his first pump at his workshop after the training. The quality was checked and good enhough.
Jacana SMART Centre provided materials to make 5 more pumps for his stock and display.
Gideon made a pump for driller Edward Tembo.
April 2017
Due to his quality work Gideon was chosen by Jacana to fabricate drilling equipments for drillers.
March 2017
Among the welders trained Gideon was one of the quick learners, focused and determined. In the middle of the training he was chosen to represent fellow welders and drillers at the farmer’s field day. It was a wonderful experience and his marketing skills are good. Gideon has acquired adequate skills in the production of the following technologies:
- Auger
- Soil punch
- Bailer (Mzuzu type)
- EMAS pump
- Rope pump Model 1 and Model 4

Gideon at farmer’s field day
Gideon followed the business and technical training in March 2017.
Jacana will support Gideon in:
- Providing technical training in pump construction and pump installation.
- Provision of initial tools and materials for few pumps and marketing.
- Guidance in book keeping and financial management.
This is part of a bigger project, sponsored by Aqua for All.
Gideon sees the water challenges of his community members as a motivation for his rope pump making idea. Jacana believes that Gideon has the potential to become a great entrepreneur and serve as a role model for fellow Zambians. Therefore Jacana wants to train Gideon technically on how to make rope pumps and market them in his community. To be able to train Gideon we need your financial help. Every small amount is more than welcome.
Thank you on behalf of Gideon!

Simply fill in the amount above.